Over the past year, AM&AA, and its executives worked closely with stakeholders to establish a strategic plan to support the successful future growth of AM&AA and its membership. As such, six new subcommittees were launched this year to expand the reach and influence of the association.

Membership Committee
This committee is responsible for evangelizing and promoting membership through value at the national, individual, and local levels, by coordinating with National HQ, the National Chapter Committee, and the chapters. All outreach, benefits, and programs should be geared toward the core of our membership, M&A Advisors.

Education & Certification Committee
This committee assists in providing education opportunities to The Alliance members—through the development of content, topics of interest, webinars, townhalls, and other educational offerings that the committee believes are of value to the membership. If there are any opportunities for further continuing education credits, the committee will help with the development and curation of those as well.

Conference Content Committee
The Conference Content Committee is responsible for collaborating with the Conference Chair and AM&AA staff in identifying timely and relevant content for our annual conferences, as well as recruiting dynamic speakers and panelists for sessions. Two conferences occur annually.

Marketing & Communications Committee
The Marketing & Communications Committee will meet monthly with AM&AA staff to discuss content for the AM&AA Quarterly Newsletter, features (e.g. “on the move”, deal of the month, spotlight, editorial commentary.) AM&AA will provide editorial support (editing, proofing, AP style) creative design and distribution.

National Chapters Committee
Responsible for shaping the overall culture of AM&AA chapters, comprised of veteran and excellent chapter leaders, this committee will support national HQ in evangelizing and actualizing the value of membership at the chapter level, and support chapters in healthy cultures that are aligned with AM&AA values.