20jun4:30 pm6:30 pmMidwest Chapter Event - AM&AA Midwest Chapter Social Networking Event
AM&AA Midwest Chapter Social Networking Event
AM&AA Midwest Chapter Social Networking Event Monday, June 20, 2022 4:30 – 6:30 P.M. CT Porter Kitchen & Deck 150 N. Riverside Plaza |
We are excited to be able to meet again in person and look forward to seeing you at our event June 20th, 2022. This event will be strictly social giving everyone the opportunity to re-connect in person and catch up. Appetizers and drinks will be served and we plan on having a few fun networking activities that night. Space is limited so we are limiting attendance to 55 people. Please register early. Members: $40 || Non-Members: $60 |
(Monday) 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm CT
Porter Kitchen & Deck